Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 3, April 1965

by Harry Armour

(This "Sermon" was composed and "preached" in Waihi at a concert arranged by Mrs. Daldy MacWilliams after the 1st World War when Mr. Dawson Donaldson was Mayor).

And it came to pass, that many great men of the City of Waihi, did take Council together and did thereupon decide that according to the great perils our brethren encounter and the many pitfalls that await them, that they should strive one with another to procure the much needed Ambulance.

And Dawson who was the son of Donald, the Chief Ruler of the City, a very wise and far-seeing man, did speak at great length on many many occasions, and did bid them bring forth their mighty men of valour for it seemeth good that the great object in view should be achieved.

And there came among them, one Mrs. Mac of the Tribe of MacWilliams, a clever & talented woman and she sayeth unto them, "Behold I shall use my talents and the talents of my children and the talents of the children of the wise men of Waihi and we shall mingle our hearts and our voices with one accord and let him that heareth hear and let him that haveth give according to the manner in which he has prospered".

And behold this wise woman did do much for the great movement, and did send messages to the people, yea even to people of Waikino and Katikati and bid them come to be refreshed in mind and body by the sounds of sweet music.

And beholdon the Day appointed a great multitude came forth, and many sheckels of gold and silver did the wise woman gather, whereat the people of Waihi were much pleased and did give her great praise accordingly.

And Dawson the son of Donald did again appear and did send to the great City of Hamilton afar off, that the long looked-for Ambulance should at last be procured: And bright & joyful were the Waiheathens on the arrival of the Ambulance, for many minds were at rest believing that one of our great difficulties was at last overcome.

But we must humble ourselves before the fact that we are not so permitted to attempt to read the future, for how often are our days of gladness turned to days of sorrow and so were the days of the Ambulance, for many and often were the Experts that have been called in and many were the postmortems held and even the wisest of our physicians could only pronounce that life will shortly be extinct.

Of a truth many answered saying unto them, it would have been better had the gold and silver been sent to "Henry across the Ford" or to the Brothers that "Dodge" building crook buses, than sending it "Overland" for such a Conveyance.

And furthermore our good disciples did plead with one William, of the House of Massey, and did make many appeals to the Great Statesman, saying, Since our Ambulance is of little or no use, we humbly beseech of you to grant Waihi one "War Ambulance" that we may bethe better served.

Andlo and behold the Great Statesman did hearken unto their voices and with great joy did they welcomethe coming of the Big Red Cross Van.

And now Brethren as we deeply consider our rashness in the past and the short-comings of many of our rulers of old, let us hope that they will not be judged too harshly, let us keep ever before us the great spirit of forgiveness so that when we come to be laid aside or cast out in the chill Winter air, or pushed head first between two buildings as our Ambulance is now, not even reasonably out of sight of passersby, may we yet hear "The Well done good and faithful servant".