From the plates the pulp passes to:-

8 Union vanners 4 foot wide
11 Union vanners 6 foot wide and

6 Frue vanners 6 foot wide.

There is no pulp distributing box but the vanners are ample for the work to be done, about 2 tons of concentrates being produced per day. The running conditions are as follows:-

4 foot Union 180 r.p.m. or side-shakes and 2.5 foot belt-travel per minute.
6 foot Union 194 r.p.m. or side-shakes and 3.3 foot belt-travel per minute.
6 Frue 194 r.p.m. or side-shakes and 4.5 foot belt-travel per minute.

And the inclination of the belt is 3 inches in 12 feet.

There is one attendant per shift and in addition a fitter is engaged in repair work on the day shift. Each shift clears the concentrate from one row of vanners. The concentrate in the storage bin is drawn out twice per week and railed to a drying pan (8 foot x 2 foot, 8 inches) under which a slow fire is maintained. Next day it is dry enough to be bagged, sampled by a sampling iron, and weighed ready for dispatch to the smelter.

The weight and assay value of concentrate produced varies greatly with the class of ore treated. It averages 1.25% by weight and 15% to 18% of the gross value of the ore treated, assaying about £
85 per long ton, the ratio of gold to silver in the bullion varying from 1:3 to 1:30.