Waihi. N.Z.
February 15th, 1919.
E. G. Banks, esq.,
Dear Sir,
I beg to report on the work carried out in the following departments during the year ended 31st December, 1918.
Pumping .--The water pumped to the surface during the year was 413,492,100 gallons.
The whole of the water raised to the surface has been pumped by means of our electrically driven pumps.
The Steam Pumping Engines have been given short runs occasionally solely for the purpose of keeping the machinery in good order.
Owing to the fact that no development work has been carried out below the No. 11 Level, the amount of water pumped is less than usual, and represents the normal flow; no storage water has been pumped during the year.
A fair amount of repair work has been necessary on the D.C. Motors driving the three-throw pumps, due to the vibration from the gearing affecting the motors.
The Turbine Pumps have proved satisfactory, and very little in the way of repairs has been necessary.
A start has been made excavating the chamber for the new Turbine Pumps which have been on order for some time. The progress is, however, slow, due to the shortage of labour.
Owing to the great scarcity of coal in the country it is not possible, at present, to contemplate development below the No. ll Level.
In order to carry out the programme it would be necessary to run the " C " Pumping Engine in conjunction with the Electric Pumps, as the storage water to be handled is large, and more than could be dealt with by the Electric Pumps alone.
Air Compressing.—This plant has been used for supplying air for the rock drills, which number about eighty-five, for air jets for induced ventilation underground, and for sundry winches.
In addition, it has supplied air for driving No. 2 and No. 5 Shaft winding Engines. These Engines were formerly driven by steam, and a big saving in coal has been effected by using air generated by Electric Power supplied from Hora Hora.
Ventilation.—The Sirocco Fan at No. 5 Shaft has worked continuously throughout the year, and in addition a number of air jets for induced ventilation have been installed in various parts of the Mine.
Power Plant.—The only steam used has been for operating the No. 6 Winding Engine, and heating the Change Houses.
In order to reduce the consumption of coal to a minimum, Electric Heaters have been installed in the Change Houses used by the Staff, and at No. 2 Shaft. These heaters were designed and made at the Mine, have proved successful in operation, and have resulted in the saving of a good deal of coal.
The whole of the Electrical Plant has been very satisfactory, and any necessary repairs have been successfully carried out by the Staff.
Power Plant.—The whole of the Power for operating the Mill has been obtained from Hora Hora, with the addition of a small percentage of local Water Power.
Very little trouble has been experienced with the Electrical Gear, which continues to operate in a very satisfactory manner.
The Machinery, both at the Mine and at the Victoria Mill, has been inspected and approved by the Government Inspectors.
Scarcity of labour has been felt throughout the year, and this applied more to the Victoria Mill than to the Mine.
Very close supervision has been necessary in the Stores Department, the price of the various articles having risen considerably.
The benefit derived from the use of the Hydro Electric Power received from Hora Hora has been more marked than in any previous year, and this is particularly noticeable in the very large saving effected in coal consumption.
Yours faithfully,
Asst. Superintendent.
Waihi, N.Z. February 12th, 1919.
E. G. banks, esq.,
Dear sir,
I beg to report on the work carried out during the year ended December 31st, 1918.
The number of Units generated was 17,107,550. The rainfall for the year was 50.07 inches.
Throughout the year the river has kept high, and the average head on the Plant has been about 26 feet 6 inches.
The Plant was shut down for 11 hours on each of the following days, December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and for 5 hours on December 26th, for the purpose of inspection.
The whole of the gear was thoroughly inspected, and adjustments carried out where necessary.
All the iron work in connection with the Hydraulic portion of the Plant
has been scraped and painted.
A thorough examination of the Line was made during the time the Plant was closed down on the dates mentioned above.
On the portion of the Line subject to heavy gales, several of the insulator stalks were found to be loose, due to vibration. These were all tightened up. On this section several clips were put on the insulators, in place of binding wire, for attaching the conductors. None of the insulators failed during the year.
The Plant has now been in operation for five years, and during that time only two of the 50,000 volt insulators, and none of the 11,000 volt insulators, have failed.
This may fairly be claimed to be a record, and it is pleasing to note that the whole of these insulators are of English design and manufacture.
The whole of the Plant has run very satisfactorily, and is in first-class condition. The past year has been the best we have so far experienced, both from the point of efficiency of the Plant and economy in working cost.
Yours faithfully,
Asst. Superintendent.
Memorandum as to the taking over of these Works by the Government.
These works were taken over by the New Zealand Government as from 1st November, 1919. they agreeing to supply the Company with free power up to the extent of ₤10,625 per annum at ₤5 10s. 0d. per horse power used, being 5 per cent. upon the agreed value of ₤212,500, for which sum the New Zealand Government will issue 5 per cent. Bonds due September 30th, 1931, when called upon to do so. Owing to the present high costs of plant of this nature as compared with those at the time of the erection, the plant showed a capital appreciation in value considerably in excess of deductions made on account of wear and tear. The sum of ₤52,965 being the difference between ₤212,500 the amount ultimately payable by the New Zealand Government and ₤159,535 at which the undertaking stands in the Books of the Company is to be regarded as a capital appreciation due to this cause.